Answer by Siddhesh for How can I share an image on Facebook using FB.ui feed...
The picture parameter is no longer available. It is deprecated now.Now we cant use feed to share image. Insetead use FB.ui share method with href = "Image URL"
View ArticleAnswer by Goran Jakovljevic for How can I share an image on Facebook using...
As this question comes to the top when u search for fb ui and image problem, mine issue was that you can not have ssl url in image, so dont add https url, it must be http. Facebook proxies the image...
View ArticleAnswer by Hupfauer for How can I share an image on Facebook using FB.ui feed...
You must remove the source parameter.The request you should provide: FB.ui( { method: 'feed', name: 'Come Listen to this Song', link: url_base +'/listen', picture: self._song.share_img, caption:...
View ArticleHow can I share an image on Facebook using FB.ui feed dialog?
I have this script which I use for my users to share the URL of my website on Facebook. I use FB.ui's feed dialog because I need to accomplish two things:Share a message with an imageHave a callback...
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